GT - Group Training
$35 wk
Classes are 40mins in duration. Working to your own ability, you will be guided and monitored throughout each session by a trained industry professional to ensure you are moving and training in a safe manner at all times. These sessions are full-body circuit style sessions utilising both free weights and bodyweight to get maximum results. You can expect to burn body fat and tone muscle by mixing resistance, strength and conditioning training with endurance, speed and agility all wrapped into an exciting and fun-packed training experience.
WT - Weight training
$37.50 wk
Classes are 40mins - 1hr in duration. Our weight training programme is simple and is designed to help increase strength and mobility. This programme predominantly focuses on three main lifts, squat, bench and deadlift with added accessory lifts and exercises to complement these three lifts. You will learn proper lifting techniques to enable you to build confidence around lifting heavy objects, all of which can be transferred over to your normal day to day life.
GT & WT Combo
$50 wk
Maximise your results and take your training to the next level with a combination of our GT - Group Training and WT - Weight Training programs.