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6 Week Challenge Poster Jan 2025.png


new year

6 Week Challenge  

13 jan - 23 Feb

Entry Fee is $120 NZD

$500 first prize



kick start your health & fitness journey now!!!


“I have trouble with commitment but really need to make a change”


“My life is too hectic and I just can't find the time to get to the gym”

“Food is my biggest weakness, I've tried dieting before but just can't stick to it”


Does any of the above sound familiar?

Then the Fit2Go New Year 6 week challenge could be

just for you!!!

Burn fat icon list, Fitness Program New Zealand, Hale Compound Conditioning
Get fitter icon list, Fitness Program New Zealand, Hale Compound Conditioning
Train at home icon list, Fitness Program New Zealand, Hale Compound Conditioning
Feel better icon list, Fitness Program New Zealand, Hale Compound Conditioning
Support icon list, Fitness Program New Zealand, Hale Compound Conditioning
Guidance icon list, Fitness Program New Zealand, Hale Compound Conditioning
Meal plans icon list, Fitness Program New Zealand, Hale Compound Conditioning
Keto icon list, Fitness Program New Zealand, Hale Compound Conditioning
The run down.png
  • You will be provided with a 7 day meal plan that is personalised to you, your body type, and your specific goal. Making sure that your body gets the right fuel it needs to maintain your everyday life and also give it the best chance possible to transform over the 6 week period.

  • Meal plans are updated weekly throughout the challenge, each week you will be asked to update your stats. We will use these updated details to create your new meal plan and keep you progressing right through the challenge.

  • In order to keep yourself accountable and track your actions over the 6 week period you will also receive an accountability template to print off and use throughout the challenge period.

  • You will have access to our support network throughout your journey.

  • Weekly challenges to keep you both on your toes and visibly active and in constant contact throughout.

  • You will receive a 6 week training program, with 2 training options available, Bodyweight(Train at Home) or Functional Fitness(Train at a Gym) spread over 6 days. Bodyweight workouts don’t require a gym membership or training equipment. Train in your lounge, your garage, your bedroom, or anywhere that works for you. Have your kids, partner or other family members join in with you and enjoy it together.

  • We have 19 different menu categories to choose from: General, Vegetarian, Ketogenic, Vegan, Low Carb, Low Carb Vegetarian, Low Carb Vegan, Low Carb Gluten Free, Low Carb Dairy Free, Low Carb Vegetarian, Low Carb Vegan, Pescatarian, Pollotarian, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Vegetarian Dairy free, Vegetarian gluten-free, (new) Budget Friendly, Meal Prep Friendly





Soala Transformation.jpg

Soala Sa

Before Stats 24/06/2018
Weight 100.6kg

After Stats 05/08/2018 
Weight: 85.9kg

Total cm's & weight lost
CMs lost - 35cm 
Weight Loss - 14.7kg

I can already feel my energy levels increasing. So handy having the workouts on your phone!

Saul Transformation.jpg


Before Stats: 8 July 2019
Weight - 89.2kg

After Stats: 18 August 2019
Weight - 84.8kg

Total cm's & weight loss
CMs lost - 15cm
Weight Loss - 4.4kg

i understand now that food is the big part of the desired body that you’re wanting

Jasmine transformation.jpg

jasmine taipana

Before Stats: 6 May 2019
Weight - 115kg

After Stats: 16 June 2019
Weight - 106kg

Total cm's & weight loss
CMs lost - 38cm
Weight Loss - 9kg

Absolutely loving the meals still and the increased energy levels I have, my whanau are also benefiting from my progress also so feeling great.

This could be you

Take a leap of faith and sign up NOW!!!

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  • 7 Day meal plan

  • Meal pans Updated weekly (all updated personal stats are taken into account when creating each updated meal plan)

  • Shopping lists

  • Macronutrient breakdown for each day and each meal (calories, proteins, carbohydrates & fats)

  • Preparation & Cooking instructions

  • 17 different menu options, including: Keto, General, Vegan, Pescatarian, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Vegetarian & more

    (New menu options now available, Budget Friendly, Meal Prep Friendly)

Your Meal Plans are updated weekly and are completely tailored to you and your individual goals. Everything is built around your personal details including food preferences and allergies. Your whole week will be mapped out for you, providing you with a breakdown of each meal and each day. You will also receive a shopping list making your life less stressful, ensuring you have the food you need on hand to help you stay on track.


Fit2Go Training Program

  • 2 Training options - Bodyweight (Home Workouts) or Functional Fitness (Gym Workouts)

  • 6 Workouts per week (includes 1 rest day + cardio sessions)

  • 6 Weeks worth of workouts

  • Easy-to-follow work out instructions

  • Exercise demonstration videos

Fit2Go bodyweight workouts can be performed at home, in a park or even at a gym with the main idea of removing any barriers like gym memberships to stop you from reaching your goals. Fit2Go Functional Fit workouts combine a wide range of training equipment. Take your training to a new level at your local gym and learn how to implement all that odd-looking equipment in the functional fitness area.

Catering to beginners right through to advanced, with a clear list of each workout and exercise along with a video demonstration of each exercise to help guide you and ensure that you have the best tools possible in order to perform each exercise and movement in the safest way possible. These workouts and training protocols have been tried and tested to give your whole body a workout burning calories and toning lean muscle along the way.


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For even more inspiration check out more transformations below



All you need to do is be willing to make a change, whether that be large or small every step forward is a positive one.

Take control of your health and wellbeing today and let us guide you along your journey to a newer you.